Second Hand Relocation Building Reports

Are you purchasing a Second Hand house or building?

Take advantage of an opportunity to repurpose a relocatable home or second-hand building that is no longer required in its current location!

As part of the relocation process, you will be required to submit a Second Hand Building inspection report with your documentation to Council for Resource Consent and Building Consent. Property Solutions Inspections’ visual, non-invasive independent building reports include moisture testing and seek to identify anything that will require remedial attention once the building is at its new site.

These Relocation Second Hand Building reports are based on New Zealand Standards NZS4306:2005 and are accepted by councils as part of the required resource consent process. Our inspectors are accredited surveyors with BOINZ (Building Officials Institute of New Zealand).

The report includes general relocation consent requirements and remedial building work after relocation.

We work with all relocatable house moving companies.

Contact us now, or request a free online estimate

Call 0212 611 375 now, or complete the form below and we’ll get in touch as soon as possible.